Our Founder, Our Story

Just as our transition from childhood from adulthood, the first to second life, our transition to the third life can be both exciting and fraught with the anxiety of the unknown.
3rdLife is here to assist with the transition: folks looking for support and meaningful engagement in their own third life, family members needing help ensuring an aging loved one is protected, and businesses focused on being relevant to clients facing those unique aspects of the third life.
Carla Mitchell founded 3rdLife after decades of serving seniors and their families. The daughter of a USAF veteran, she began her professional career as an estate planning attorney, then joined the leadership team at her local area agency on aging. Over the next several years, she served as the state grassroots director for AARP, as CEO of a multi-site healthcare organization, and ultimately found her way to senior living.
As an executive in senior living communities from New England to the Pacific Northwest, she recognized something important: while those communities provided needed amenities, most of their residents would have chosen to stay home if they could.
In the midst of the COVID pandemic, it seemed clear that there had to be a better way to provide the support needed and allow seniors to age in place.
Carla created 3rdLife to offer concierge-level services and manage professional service providers so clients can remain in their own home, simply and safely.